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Home DIY Tips TeddyPardo PFM Articles

TeddyPardo PFM Articles

A collection of articles by Teddy Pardo in PFM DIY forum

General Tips and Tricks:

DIY SMT to DIL adapter

Explains how to build a simple adapter to solder SMT opamps on a DIL PCB.

Regulator Booster
Improve the performance of a 317 regulator by adding a Gyrator front end. A miniature strip board that can be used as a prop-in replacement to the 317​

Naim CDX Modifications

Pictures (preview) of my very modified CDX – Some ideas for CDX modifications

CDX reverse engineering
Details regarding the CDX internals​

TeddyReg and PowerReg:

The best regulator I’ve built so far – The first TeddyReg thread

Howto: TeddyReg
The first TeddyReg thread became long and too difficult to follow, this one was supposed to be shorter…
Howto: accelerated TeddyReg
How to accelerate the start time of the TeddyReg
Introducing the PowerReg
Howto: TeddyCap
Building a CRCRC network for the TeddyReg
SuperReg (ALWSR) Modifications:
Replacing the ALWSR’s pre-regulator by a VBE – The TeddyCap history​

Naim Phono Stage Modifications:

Pictures of my new phono pre-amp – Modifications to Naim phono stage, including regulators​

NCC200 Modifications:

Regulating NCC200 front end, and other tips – >Adding a front end regulator to Avondale NCC200 power amplifier, applicable also to Naim power amplifiers.

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