Teddy Pardo Audio Announces its new MiniTeddy – Audiophile Linear Power Supply.
Hod Hasharon, Israel – MAY/1 2023
Teddy Pardo Audio has announced its new MiniTeddy – a compact-sized audiophile-grade linear power supply.
The MiniTeddy is an alternative to the cheap switching power supplies (“wall warts”) that are typically included with many audio devices such as DACs, streamers, phonostages etc. In most cases, adding the MiniTeddy to those products yields a massive improvement in sound quality.
“The MiniTeddy is a must-have for any discerning audiophile”, said Yair Furman, head of operations at Teddy Pardo Audio.
“It is a result of the experience gained over the last 15 years in making high quality power supplies. The MiniTeddy offers a considerable improvement in sound quality, at an affordable price. We have verified the MiniTeddy compatibility with a wide variety of audio devices.”
The new MiniTeddy product line is an improved version of the standard Teddy power supply, in a compact chassis. It is based on the 4th generation of the SuperTeddyReg® voltage regulator, which debuted in 2008, and has received numerous improvements since its inception.
“With the MiniTeddy power supply I have experienced a lower noise floor with blacker backgrounds and faster transients during recording and playback,” says Lance K, a recording professional from Houston, TX.
“I use my Merging Anubis sound card frequently to record low output antique ribbon microphones from RCA and Electro Voice. I have experienced several benefits including a lower noise floor and better high frequency smoothness”.
“Adding the MiniTeddy power supply to my Naim Headline headphone amplifier, has turned my headphone experience from ok to sublime,” says Leon S from the UK.
“I have added the MiniTeddy Upgrade Kit to my Bluesound Node, it is amazing!.” says Steven D, from Newtown, PA.
“It gives me goosebumps. Bass treble and midrange are all better. Plus, it’s made for the node and it’s small. I found myself listening for many more hours to my hifi every day after installation. It added some magic. My highest rating!”
The MiniTeddy is available for immediate delivery at retail price of 395 USD, via TeddyPardo.com.
Teddy Pardo Audio LTD., founded in 2011 in Hod Hasharon Israel, specializes in audio upgrades such as Linear Power Supplies, cables and DIY products. Website: teddypardo.com.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
For more information about MiniTeddy, see https://teddypardo.com/miniteddy, or contact directly by email [email protected].